A two-part Cinemovement Event

Part One: air laut air tawar

Artist sharing and film presentation
Wed 26 March 2025, 7pm-9pm
Chapel Gallery
Tickets at $12/pax

6pm: doors, kueh, drinks
7pm: performance
730pm: film presentation
8pm: artist sharing

Link to register: https://airlautairtawar.peatix.com/

air laut air tawar is a presentation of jee chan’s film bendungan. Incubated at Cinemovement Lab 2020 in Solo, the film meanders along the Solo river, drifts through the Maluku archipelago and floods into the North Sea of the Netherlands. Three intimate stories unravel in the aftermath of the Dutch colonial project across the Malay World, revealing among them uncanny affinities.

air laut air tawar (Malay / Indonesian) : sea water fresh water
bendungan (Malay / Indonesian) : dam, river bank, sea bank

A film by jee chan, produced at the Cinemovement Lab VI: Solo and Cinemovement Residency 2024. Funded through the arbeits-und rechercheförderung of the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe, the graduate residency scholarship of the Fonds Darstellende Künste, the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR programme, DIS-TANZEN aid programme of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland and the National Arts Council, Singapore. Residency support from Studio Plesungan and Tanzfabrik Berlin. Research process supported by Goethe-Institut Singapore.

About the filmmaker
jee chan (they / them) is an artist working in the fields of dance and expanded choreography. Their practice is concerned with questions surrounding the displaced body and what it can perform. In their work, the sea acts as a site of longing, violence, ambivalent beauty and colonial terror, particularly among the contexts of island Southeast Asia. They live between Singapore and Berlin.


Part Two: Cinemovement Salon (EXT)

Fri 28 Mar & Sat 29 Mar 2025, 2pm to 9pm
Chapel Gallery
Unlimited 2-day pass at $20/pax
Get tickets at http://cinemovementsalon.peatix.com

Artist Sharings
Networking Sessions
Cinemovement Vault

Join the organisers, alumni, and community of Cinemovement in an extended salon to watch films, chat with artists, and encounter new ideas and notions of performance!

Unfurling over a weekend at Objectifs Centre for Photography and Film, Cinemovement Salon (EXT) will spotlight works from the artist-run platform’s annual flagship programmes from Lab I (Hanoi, 2015) to Lab VII (Tokyo, 2024).

About Cinemovement
Founded in 2015 by artist-filmmakers Elysa Wendi and Jeremy Chua, Cinemovement is an artist-run platform that hosts interdisciplinary collaborations between artists, performance-makers, and media practitioners. Through an expanding slate of process-driven programmes in different parts of Asia such as laboratories, residencies, and commissions, Cinemovement researches and facilitates new forms of audio visual production that addresses expanded fields of dance, visual art, and cinema with a focus on formal and narrative hybridity and experimentation. Cinemovement is interested in initiating encounters that push the boundaries of interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary processes in artistic practice to set new disciplinary conversations and methodologies.

Till date, Cinemovement has organized six labs and two residencies in Hanoi, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, Philippines and Indonesia. The platform has facilitated an average seven projects per lab, some of which found success on international platforms such as Dance on Camera at Lincoln Center (New York), Cinema Du Reel at Pompidou Centre (Paris) and Busan International Film Festival.

Cinemovement is presently led by founding artistic director Elysa Wendi, co-artistic director Liao Jiekai, associate producer Bambby Cheuk, and associate curator and researcher Alfonse Chiu.