Explore film photography at our new Objectifs Darkroom

Rental hours
Thursdays, 12pm – 6pm
Fridays, 12pm – 6pm
Saturdays, 4pm – 6pm
For hours outside of our operating hours, please send an email to info@objectifs.com.sg to enquire (subject to our availability).

$35 for the first 2 hours
$15 per additional hour or part thereof
Chemicals for black-and-white film development and printmaking are included.


After a nine-year hiatus, the Objectifs Darkroom is back! Rent our darkroom to explore film photography and join a vibrant community of enthusiasts. Our space features professional-grade enlargers, high-quality chemicals, and ample room for all your projects. Perfect for both seasoned photographers and film photography enthusiasts.

Are you new to the darkroom? We recommend signing up for our workshops to familiarise yourself with the equipment and different chemicals:

Participants will need to have knowledge of how to develop your own film, and working with enlargers.

Please note:

  • Users will need to bring their own paper and film sleeves to store their film.
  • Users can only develop black and white film, we do not have chemicals for colour film.

Register below