
Gingko Leaf Paper Pad by OFFCUT


For every printed matter that is created, remnants from their make are inevitably left behind.

OFFCUT was created to re-purpose these remnant papers into refreshed stationery, turning “waste material” into sustainable goods for everyday use.


OFFCUT is an initiative by Allegro Print to reduce paper waste and repurpose waste paper from our print production process. Excess space within a print job is utilised to minimise actual offcuts in production, creating our own stationery designs. Inevitable paper waste is repurposed into refreshed stationery.

Through its own retail space, the ‘Paper Thrift Store’, OFFCUT is able to inspire and demonstrate that repurposed products can be affordable and thoughtfully designed without compromising quality. 😊 ♻️

4 in stock

SKU: 2075 Category:
DETAILS 90 x 148 mm

OFFCUT notepads are usually printed in 1C black, but this special edition is part of our SGABF2024 launch, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Singapore Art Book Fair with fresh, exciting creations.

This notepad belongs to the Pantone Neon series, alongside the CMYK series and the new OFFCUT x School of Tomorrow collaboration, created especially for SGABF2024.

The paper type may differ depending on the available leftovers use.

P.S Neon colours are hard to replicate digitally, so the actual shade may differ slightly online. Thank you for understanding!

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